The other problem with waiting so long to post about these places is that I don't remember exactly what we did! We walked around and shopped in the street markets. If you didn't know, Florence is very famous for its leather goods (I'm not sure why) and you can get really good deals. This is where we got a lot gifts for our families. It was closer to the end of the trip and everything was really reasonably priced.
The Duomo is gorgeous, isn't it! I love all of the red roofs of Florence. The inside isn't as impressive as the outside so if you don't have time, I would skip going inside. You would miss the inside of the dome though. :)
A replica of David in the place he would of originally stood. The original statue is now housed in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence. The last time I was in Florence, I saw the museum David. It is a lot larger than you would expect. The only downside is you can't take photos and there are a lot of guards enforcing that rule so don't attempt it!
If you can't afford to go to a lot of museums or don't have enough time, just walk around! There are statues all over town and lots of gorgeous piazzas to explore.
We walked over to Ponte Vecchio which is much prettier from the outside. On the actual bridge, it's very busy and only really has fancy jewelry shops on it now.
We had to get gelato and I HAD to spill it all over myself. Typical! We did learn a tip though. Don't go a place like we did with the gelato all piled up, it usually means it isn't fresh!
Florence looks like a very beautiful city! I had no idea they were known for their leather goods either, that's neat! And mmm, gelato!
ReplyDeletewhat incredible pictures -- i studied abroad in rome for a semester, and we would take weekend trips to florence -- these pictures are bringing me right back there :)
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful pics.