Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween DIY - Zombie Punch

Happy Halloween!! You can call this punch whatever you want but I went the zombie route :)

This punch was totally made up by yours truly and it tasted delicious. I'm sure there are a lot of substitutions you could make but I went with lime flavor because I had a whole bottle of vodka from my birthday party and I thought the vodka would go well with a citrus flavor.

10.30.12 010

What you'll need:
Vodka (clear rum could work too)
Ginger ale (sprite/club soda)
Plastic eyes
Punch bowl or other large container
Food coloring (optional)

This is so easy. I had a bottle of Simply Limeaid and I used the whole bottle. I added about 1/2 the bottle of vodka (I know, right?) and about 2/3 of the ginger ale.  Experiment with the proportions based on how sweet or sour you want it.  Then, take a couple scoops of sherbet and plop on top.  When it melts, it will take on the murky/swirly quality you see in the pictures.  I added the plastic eyes and green food coloring for fun. I think it makes it more spooky. Let me know if you try this!

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Be careful of this! It is MUCH stronger than you would expect :)  You could also take out the alcohol and use this recipe for a kids party.


  1. Punch like this always gets me in trouble... it tastes delicious, I keep going back for more, and then BAM, I'm wasted. The eyeballs are such a fun touch, great for Halloween :)

  2. YUMMY and (ewww haha) all at the same time! Love this idea :) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  3. I TOTALLY agree. I kept drinking it thinking I was not feeling it. Then I was. Yikes :) It tasted delcious though :)
